Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Whale Talk by Chris Crutcher

I picked up this book after Crutcher's presentation here at Central; this was the book he mentioned that features a character based on the little girl he told us about. True to his word, Whale Talk had lots of colorful language and some graphic and upsetting images of child abuse. However, it was not gratuitous or overdone -- it definitely seemed true to life.

I liked this story of TJ, the only black student in an Idaho school, and his struggles to help all the misfits earn their athletic letter jackets. There were parts of the novel that made me laugh, and even more, there were parts that made me want to cry. I wasn't crazy about the ending -- I thought it could have ended 20 pages earlier, but the overall story was worth my time.

I am currently using this book in my freshmen literature circles. Of the three students in the group, two had finished the novel in less than a week! My impression is that they are really enjoying it. I also think this book could work as a companion to Lord of the Flies to show both sides of conformity/nonconformity.

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